
Faculty PhD Students Masters Students Undergraduate Students Staff PhD Alumni Past Members

Chirag Shah

Professor and Lab Director, University of Washington

Search and recommender systems; Data Science; Machine Learning; Responsible AI

Aylin Caliskan

Assistant Professor, University of Washington

AI Ethics; Machine Learning; Natural Language Processing

Mike Teodorescu

Assistant Professor, University of Washington

Sociotechnical Information Systems; Economics of Innovation; Entrepreneurship

Lucy Lu Wang

Assistant Professor, University of Washington

Natural Language Processing; Health Informatics; Machine Learning for Health

Yunhe Feng

Assistant Professor, University of North Texas (UNT)

Mobile Security and Privacy; Data Mining; Machine Learning; Social Computing

Maryam Amirizaniani

UW iSchool PhD Student

Information Retrieval, Machine Learning

Preetam Dammu

UW iSchool PhD Student

Responsible AI (Explainability, Fairness, Privacy, and Security

Mouly Dewan

UW iSchool PhD Student


Kirandeep Kaur

UW CSE PhD Student

AI safety, Responsible AI

Anna Shang

UW HCDE PhD Student

Human-Centered Explainable AI

Sahil Verma

UW CSE PhD Student

Explainable AI, Fairness in ML

Pallavi Banerjee

Data Science and Business Intelligence

Anusha Dhar

Data Science

Minh Hoang

Computer Science - Data Science

Ji Kang

Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Cloud Computing

Nicholas Marangi

Data Analysis; Business Intelligence; Machine Learning; Data Mining;MSIM

Raef Salem

Human Information Behavior; Social Media; Misinformation

Jonic Zhu

Information Management

Varich Boonsanong

Computer science - Data Science

Smart Chang

Computer Science

Jacqueline Dai

Informatics and Psychology

Ut Gong

Informatics and CFRM

Louis Leng


Lesi Li

Human-Computer Interaction

Yijie Li

Mathematics and Economics

Yuzhen Qu

Computer Science and Philosophy

Daniel Saelid

Computer Science

Prerna Sheokand

Computer Science

Tianyi Tang

Computer Science

Angela Xu

Computer Science

Anthony Xu

ACMS Data Science & Statistics

Sinan Zhao

Informatics and Economics

Sarita Ghosh

Project Manager

Nara Vajaphattana

Communication Director

Dongho Choi

Data Scientist, Sony Interactive Entertainment

Erik Choi

Senior design researcher, Google

Ruoyuan Gao

Research Scientist, Amazon

Souvick Ghosh

Assistant Professor, San Jose State University (SJSU)

Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez

Associate Professor, University of Santiago, Chile

Chathra Hendahewa


Long Le

Machine Learning Engineer, Google

Jiqun Liu

Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma

Soumik Mandal

Postdoc, New York University (NYU)

Ziad Matni

Lecturer, University of California Santa Barbara

Matthew Mitsui

Head of Data Science, VidIQ

Jonathan Pulliza

Senior Consultant, Data Engineering

Manasa Rath

UX Researcher, M&T Bank

Shawon Sarkar

Postdoc, University of Washington Seattle

Yiwei Wang

User Researcher, eBay

  • Postdocs/Visitors
    • Christopher Leeder (PhD from UMich)
    • Chang Liu (Peking University, China)
    • Matthew Mitsui (Rutgers University)
    • Xiaojun Yuan (University at Albany-SUNY)
    • Jinchao Zhang (Wuhan University, China)
    • Ying Zheng (Chinese Academy of Science)

  • PhD Students
    • Eun Baik (iSchool PhD student)
    • Robyn Caplan (JMS PhD student)
    • Erik Choi (iSchool PhD student - lab graduate)
    • Charlie File (JMS PhD student)
    • Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez (iSchool PhD student - lab graduate)
    • Bin Han
    • Muge Haseki (Comm PhD student)
    • Minkyung Lee (iSchool PhD student)
    • Stephanie Mikitish (iSchool PhD student)
    • Pamela Read (iSchool PhD student)
    • Xiao Qin (iSchool PhD student)
    • Jacob Sanchez (Communication PhD student)
    • Sun Si (iSchool PhD student)
    • Jennifer Sonne (iSchool PhD student)
    • SeoYoon Sung (iSchool PhD student)
    • Shannon Taber (iSchool PhD student)
    • Linnan Wang (MAE PhD student)
    • BingBing Wen (iSchool PhD student)
    • Yiwei Yang (iSchool PhD student)
    • Jihan Yao (CSE PhD student)

  • Masters Students
    • Twisha Ajwani (Business School - lab graduate)
    • Fancy Arora (Business School)
    • Srijani Basak
    • Sahil Bhange (Business School)
    • Chiaoya Chang (MLIS Student)
    • Stephanie DiGiovanni (MCIS student)
    • Dhruv Dogra
    • Becky Kolberg (MLIS student)
    • Daulat Lakhani (MCIS student)
    • Subhiksha Mukuntharaj (MLIS student)
    • Shree Priya
    • Tayebeh Yazdani nina (MLIS student - lab graduate)
    • Lupita S-O'Brien (MLIS student - lab graduate)
    • Shishir Shetty (Business School - lab graduate)
    • Wei Shi (Business School - lab graduate)
    • Chen Song (MLIS student)
    • Jaqueline M. Woolcott (MLIS student - lab graduate)
    • Chuxu Zhang (CS student - lab graduate)

  • Undergraduate Students
    • Niranjana Ganesh (ECE and CS; 2016-2017)
    • Hoda Abdolrazek (ITI - lab graduate)
    • Saksham Aggarwal (Math & Informatics)
    • Basil Ahmad (CS and Math)
    • Kevin Albertson (CS and Math - lab graduate)
    • Abhijna Baddi (ITI - lab graduate)
    • Josh Cartagena (ITI - lab graduate)
    • Vashika Goel (Psychology & Informatics)
    • Changling Huang (CS and Math)
    • Ruchi Khatri (CS)
    • Nithi Kumar (CS)
    • Samantha Lee (CS)
    • Ke(Coco) Li (CS)
    • Yan Li (ITI - lab graduate)
    • Rajvi Mehta (CS)
    • Dan Pan (CS)
    • Divya Parikh (CS)
    • Kanan Parikh (ITI - lab graduate)
    • Kaushal Parikh (CS)
    • Chahna Patel (Biomedical Engineering)
    • Zachary E. Pinner (ITI)
    • Phillip Quiza (CS - lab graduate)
    • Josue Reyes (ITI - lab graduate)
    • Anastasia Ryssiouk (CS - lab graduate)
    • Diana Soltani (CS)
    • SaraAnn Stanway (CS)
    • Daniel Su (ECE)
    • Jose Uben (ITI - lab graduate)
    • Serife Uzun (Biotech - lab graduate)
    • Jhanvi Virani (CS and History; 2016-2017)

  • Student Visitors
    • Nazanin Andalibi (Visitor)
    • Claire Digirolamo (Undergraduate student, George Washington University)
    • Ivo Leonhardt (Masters exchange student, Germany)
    • Magdalena Nikola (Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, Italy)
    • Sophia Song (Montgomery High School; 2018)
    • Laure Soulier (Visiting PhD student from IRIT, France)
    • Arvind Yalavarti (High Technology High School; 2017-2018)

  • Staff
    • Catherine McGowan (Lab Assistant)
    • Abdurahman Sherif (Designer and Webmaster)
    • Liz Smith (Lab Assistant)
    • Diana Floegel (Lab Assistant)
    • Amanda Geng (Designer and Webmaster)
    • Emily LaBeaume (Lab Assistant)
    • Bethany Longfellow (Conceptual Artist)
    • Danielle Reay (Lab Assistant)
    • Chui Tang (Designer and Webmaster)
    • Angel Huang (Lab Assistant)