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Tag: UN

Uniting at the UN

Uniting at the UN

Information science research does not only exist within collegiate and conference walls. Recently, a group of talented InfoSeekers partnered with the United Nations to develop projects that will have a global impact.


Seekers are working on three data science projects in conjunction with UN. One uses the CLEWS (Climate Land Energy Water Strategies) Model to uncover the human factors involved with energy usage. Understanding these factors could facilitate the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Another group of students will investigate how researchers can make informed predictions in voting behavior for the UN General Assembly (GA). The third project analyzes armed conflict data since WWI to hopefully predict the duration of ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and identify regions that are prone to future wars. Impressive, no?

If you’d like to read more about these projects and the students who are hard at work with the UN, check out our website.
